Guide to Screening and Assessing VP of Finance Candidates

In the last article “Sourcing Top VP of Finance Candidates” we shared ways to help you develop a strategic approach that combines: 

  • Networking

  • Collaborating with specialized search firms

  • Leveraging digital platforms

We shared effective strategies to find the ideal finance leader, emphasizing the importance of building genuine relationships and considering cultural fit throughout the process and it would really help you dial in finding the right candidate.

With that said, you already know the process of finding the right Vice President of Finance is crucial for any organization. This article aims to provide a comprehensive approach to screening and assessing candidates for this vital role.

Initial Resume and Application Review Process

The first step in identifying potential candidates involves a thorough review of resumes and applications. Here's an effective approach you might want to implement:

  1. Create a checklist of essential qualifications, such as:

    • CPA certification

    • Minimum years of experience in senior financial roles

    • Relevant industry knowledge

  2. Conduct a detailed review of each application, focusing on these key qualifications.

  3. Consider candidates with non-traditional backgrounds, as they may bring unique perspectives to the role.

  4. Utilize an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to streamline the process, but avoid over-reliance on automated systems.

Remember, each candidate represents an individual with unique experiences and potential. 

Approach the review process with an open mind and a willingness to see beyond conventional qualifications.

Conducting Preliminary Interviews

Preliminary interviews offer an opportunity to gain deeper insights into candidates' abilities and personalities.

Consider the following approach:

  • Begin with phone or video calls to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

  • Pay attention to both the content of responses and communication style.

  • Assess the candidate's ability to explain complex financial concepts in simple terms.

  • Inquire about recent financial news to gauge analytical skills and industry awareness.

During these interviews, strive to create a comfortable environment where candidates can showcase their true potential. Remember that interview anxiety is common, and a compassionate approach can help reveal a candidate's best qualities.

Using Assessment Tools and Psychometric Tests

Assessment tools and psychometric tests can provide valuable additional insights into a candidate's suitability for the role. Consider incorporating:

  • Cognitive ability tests to evaluate learning and adaptability

  • Personality assessments to understand work style and cultural fit

  • Situational judgment tests to assess decision-making in real-world scenarios

    • SHL might be worth taking a look at

It's important to use these tools ethically and in conjunction with other assessment methods. 

Keep in mind that these tests are not definitive measures of a candidate's worth or potential, but rather tools to gain additional insights.


The process of screening and assessing VP of Finance candidates requires a balanced approach that considers both technical skills and personal qualities. 

By combining thorough resume reviews, insightful interviews, and thoughtful use of assessment tools, you can identify candidates who will not only excel in the role but also contribute positively to your organization's culture.


Contact us to create your exclusive VP of Finance hiring strategy


Chris Holt, Managing Director


Phone: (909) 680-0632

Connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram


The Interview Process for VP of Finance Candidates


Sourcing Top VP of Finance Candidates